Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Futuresport 1 Star

This movie is set in 2025. If the future truly is anything like it was portrayed in this movie, I hope I am no longer on this earth to see it. This gem of a film is a ripoff of not one, but two Rollerball movies. The original Rollerball had James Caan and was amazing. The remake had Chris Klein. It was not amazing. This installment stars Dean Cain. See a pattern here? Each ripoff gets a saggier star to replace James Caan. Who's next, Stephen Hawking?

The trailer had explosions, hot chicks, karate, Wesley Snipes.... all things that were dope enough for me to look past the fact that Dean Cain was in it. But in the first five minutes of the movie I knew that I was in for a true steaming pile of feces. The bad guy is supposedly some underground revolutionary bad ass. The bad thing is that he is some emaciated mixture of an Italian and a Laotian Ladyboy who has a bad goatee and worse tattoo all over his chevy chase. How the fuck are you going to be an underground bad guy and have a full face tattoo? No one would notice that asshole walking around when he stopped at Wawa to get a bag of Herr's crab chips and a big gulp.

And Dean Cain. Where did hollywood find this horse's ass? The mans acting is atrocious, his hair is atrocious and his attempts at choreographed fighting were a disgrace to humanity. I have actually lost some respect for Wesley for being in this movie. I know the man has tax problems. I know the man is considered a washed up second rate actor. But this is inexcusable. Wesley probably showed up at the casting call for the Expendables and Sly cleaned up his act for being in Futuresport.